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recharge your hair recharge your life contest on
Chapter one:
"Where were you, the baldy belle?"
"I was here combing my hair"
"Why do you tell such a lie without a strand of hair on the scalp?"
"I know but I was in a trans-combing my long black curly tresses"
"Oh God, I'm sorry. I forgot about you. Come have food and take your tablets."
"Yeah sure. Thank you for caring so much"
"Oh no, take care my dear good night."
Aunt Vyjayanthi closed door behind her. Once upon a time, Shanti was the pleasing figure of long black tresses and beautiful eyes. Now the cancer has slowly drawn her into a sphere of death. Shanti may breath her last anytime. Her head is completely bald and she has hallucinations sometimes like the one above.
Chemo Therapy and radiation treatments have completely made her a dependant. Her husband's aunt Vyjayanthi is taking care because Shanti doesn't have anyone except her in the world.
Chapter two:
" No! god shouldn't be so cruel" sobbed Vyjayanti. Doctors told that Shanti's days are numbered maybe one or two days.Shanti held her aunt's hands and pressed feebly, "Aunty my hair".
The next day Vyjayanti came very late in the afternoon. Along with her a beautiful young lady stepped in. Shanti's eyes widened. "Oh is that Hoogli?"
"Yeah I'm here.I was in US, Kavish told me about you. Vyjayanti aunty told me about your wish.Now close your eyes and let the Jadoo (magic) happen". Hoogli closed Shanti's eyes with one palm and did something with the other palm on Shanti's head. Shanti could feel the movements."See now" Hoogli showed a mirror to Shanti. "Yoh, I have my hair back!" There was a wide smile on Shanti's face, Hoogli had presented a beautiful wig to Shanti.
Shanti was gazing at her reflection in the small mirror, she murmered something which sounded like "Thank you"
Hoogli announced proudly"See I have cut and got the wig done only with half length of my hair". Shanti thanked again and again trying to set her new hair and asked in a teasing voice-"which shampoo?". Hoogli giggled and announced "Sunsilk the old secret".
The gloomy room was filled with joy and the pleasing scent of happiness.